This President of Guyana, like all past Presidents, including Burnham and Hoyte, has not only a right, but a duty, to visit as much of Guyana as possible. One would have thought that, having regard to the recent history surrounding Buxton, and the regular outreach exercises pioneered and perfected by the President, that all would […]


Leaders of the PPP are accused from time to time of not speaking out. Both Emile Mervin and Frederick Kissoon, prolific commentators, so accused me recently.  All organisations have rules. When you join one you agree to subscribe to its rules. There is no other basis on which an organisation can function. I chose to be a part of the PPP and to abide by its rule against public criticism.
Very often members of organisations have differences with proposed decisions. When these differences are on a fundamental principle, then the member is expected to resign. However, once members have a common purpose, differences not on fundamental principle are usually resolved. This sometimes happens when the members whose views are not supported, accept the decision and continue to work for the common purpose. Leaders of the PPP, like other organisations, do not always agree with all of its decisions. After debate, the minority invariably chooses to accept the majority view and work together for its implementation.
The PPP and its government stand for many things. These include the elimination of corruption, transparency and an end to discrimination. Many measures have been implemented to deal with th