There are growing concerns within the Indian Guyanese community that the Government has embarked on large-scale discrimination against them. This is being fuelled by politically driven accusations by the PPP using the same emotive language used by the PNC/PNCR in the 1990s – ‘ethnic cleansing.’ I do not accept that there is such discrimination but the growing perception is a negative phenomenon so early in the life of the Government. It should not be dismissed because once such perceptions take hold, they are very difficult to overcome.

Guyana’s politics are organized for the expression of ethnic sentiments and are driven by ethnic considerations. The PPP governments of 1957 to 1964 were accused of racism and of being a ‘rice’ government and worse. During the PNC era of the 1970s and 1980s, the PNC governments were accused by the PPP of ‘racial and political discrimination.’ When the PNC lost the elections in 1992, one dominant theme emanating from its leaders, members and supporters was PPP’s discrimination. That theme quickly developed into accusations of ‘ethnic cleansing.’ It finally settled in to ‘marginalisation’ where it remained constant throughout PPP’s terms of office and became an accepted fact among African Guyanese. It attained great resonance when Dr. Luncheon said in evidence in Bharrat Jagdeo’s libel case against the Kaieteur News and Frederick Kissoon that no African Guyanese were qualified to be ambassadors.

With the advent of the APNU+AFC Government, many Indian Guyanese have become fearful of discrimination and, in particular, fearful of the loss of promotional or job opportunities, loss of access which is vital for overcoming bureaucratic inertia or maneouvering around bottlenecks in the conduct of business.  The fear is being generated by the reality of Indians losing their jobs, notwithstanding that most of those are political appointments and are expected to resign upon a change of government or are public servants who have elected to climb a political platform.  While on the ground there is little substance to any charge of discrimination, there have been worrying developments.

The negative phenomenon was given impetus when Clairmont Lye and Andaiye, two of the most powerful and respected voices in civil society, who do not go to press lightly, raised the issue by protesting in letters to SN the ethnically unbalanced and as Andaiye mentioned, the gender deficient, state boards which had been announced. To the Government’s credit, it swiftly recognized the complaint and undertook to review the appointments.

The dismissal of 2,000 community officers in the Amerindian community has been described by the PPP as an example of the ‘worst case of ethnic cleansing.’ I cannot say if the employment of 2,000 persons was for a political objective as alleged by the Government. It seems unlikely having regard to the large number involved. The Government, which has the responsibility, has provided no information of a credible nature to the public about this large-scale dismissal. The sudden loss of income by 2,000 in the most deprived community in Guyana has been met by public indifference. While I would be prepared to give the Government the benefit of the doubt, it would be conditional on an acceptable explanation for this destructive act with a stroke of the pen and the presentation of a plan for the injection of the same level of resources in the Amerindian communities, which have suffered this devastating loss.

The manner of the dismissal of Bharat Dindyal, the CEO of the GPL, one of the best and most dedicated managers in the State system, will send shivers down the spines of the ethnically sensitive. In justifying his dismissal, a not too subtle attempt was made to portray his continued employment without a written contract, even though he was continuing on the job only until a replacement could be found, as some sort of sinister plot.

The incidents that led to the dismissal were reported in SN yesterday. If the report is true, then Dindyal resisted gross and continued insubordination from his deputy, which was supported by the Minister.  Dindyal’s display of rage is not what did him in. His dismissal was prompted by his resistance to the insubordination and the exposure of the political involvement. He has stood up and resisted in times past in different circumstances. This political culture in much of the Third World that infects our political system as well, embraces the type of gross political interference and insubordination which Dindyal perceived and which he protested. Political interference crushes all those in its path who attempt to resist. There were many from recent PPP governments. Dindyal is the first known victim since the elections and will not be the last unless the Government breaks with this culture.

The Government should have no doubt in its mind that these acts will all add up to the growing perception by the Indian Guyanese community that discrimination against them will become a part of their lot under the APNU+AFC coalition. The Government must understand that the rise of such sentiments are not determined by constructive examination of facts and rational conclusions arising therefrom. They emerge from perceptions rooted in historical circumstances that are given expression by our two party system which drive and sustain the perceptions.

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  1. Thanks for writing such a letter. You have highlighted our problems in Guyana . 1.The role of politics in work environment and 2nd, our attitude to think critically and analytically .

    1. Ralph

      You do NOT see racial ethnic cleansing?

      Why do you remaibn silent on the urgency to RACIALLY AND ETHNICALLY balance the armed forces and civil servicse in Guyana when they are TAXPAYERs funded which means ALL have an equal right to be empoyed as well?

      Three APNU members on their MPS election list have been appointed to head the media funded by taxpayers.

      Mr Imran Khan, Ms Beverly Alert and Mr Mark Dacosta (ex GDF) were respectively appointed Director of Public Information, GINA Director and Director of Public Communications.

      All three are African Guyanese, all three are PNC members and the likely new Editor in Chief of the Chronicle is likely to be Mr Nigel Williams replacing Mr Mark Ramotar the current editor.

      Ms Alert replaces Mr Subhan as GINA Editor.

      Wake up and smell the cofffeee.

      For the APNU-AFC coalition to fire 2000 Amerindians is a travesty.
      ACDA says they are collecting and fighting for reparations for Amerindians.!

      They have no mandate given to them by Amerindians to do so.

      Do let us know if you belive there was no racism involved in firing the Amerindians.! You are a disappointment Ralph.

      Please come to our rescue, sahib.

      Hark the rolling of the thunder!
      Rises wrath and hope and wondering where are you?


  2. Comrade
    If as suggested the perceptions are political and not racial then it must be conceived as irrelevant.
    However if it is racial it will be seen as such but
    it is doubtful that race is the motive.

    If he 2000 dismissed are not being replaced or being “partly” replaced by elected representatives
    from within the communities the new kids on the
    block actions/decision would have been justified.

    Speculative journalism only adds wood to fire…
    Let’s wait and see how this develops in conclusive
    Evidence. Who/will replace the dismissed….if
    none others or appointed/elected others before
    speculative conclusions are decided.

    SN KN local rabble all have their politically hidden agendas let’s not draw conclusions just yet.

    Ways I sees it.
    Please order me if my “perceptions” are “from a distance” diaspora”…outsider.


  3. Good analysis. Based on the fact that an overwhelming majority of those fired were Indian, and were replaced by Afro-Guyanese, the charge that the Granger administration is anti-Indian becomes clearer every day

    1. Did you expect anything different Maharanee ?

      David Granger, and his clique of former GDF cohorts, worships Forbes Burnham, a man who destroyed Guyana and brought Guyanese to their knees with the suffering between 1964 to 1992 !!

      Guyana was deemed as the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, second only to Haiti, when they were finished with it. That country that was considered the bread basket of the Caribbean before it became Independent.

      That same mode of operation was how Forbes Burnham and his apprentices operated !!

  4. If 95% of the senior officials are indian Guyanese, then it would seem as racial descrimination. The ratio is 5 Africans to 95 Indians.

  5. So let’s say to every 10 persons dismissed, 1 would be another race. Remember Afro Guyanese occupied the low level jobs. If that level was being investigated, the ratio might have been the opposite.

  6. Yes! I am waiting to see what action will be taken against the general and regional managers of NIS as well as its board. They have all contributed to the obnoxious state of the scheme and yet they are still employed and paid hefty salaries. They represent (for the time being), an untouchable group of public servants who are continually being rewarded for doing a very, very bad job…

  7. Its simple
    Even with change of government
    “Senior civil servants” remain in power.
    Employed to carry out “wishes” of the
    government. Write that into law by “act of parliament” and hopefully they resign.
    Sacking a few may also act as a warning to
    other “incompetents” …..
    It is very costly to tax payers and government
    to remove senior civil servants lawfully.
    Change the law…the law is an ass unless
    Ways I see it…

  8. After the 1968 election results were announced and the glaring malfeasance of rigging by the PNC, for the whole world to see, I have been advocating a division of Guyana into an Indo- Guyana and an Afro-Guyana as these are the two major races that inhabit that country ! I had no doubt that the unfair political machinations of that illegal PNC regime were going to continue. We all saw what happened !!

    There will be no peace in Guyana in the future if another party were to win, a party that has an Indo-Guyanese as it’s leader.

    Georgetown will burn again as in the early 1960’s, along with the brutalisation of Indo-Guyanese in the streets as is the customary modus operandi of the PNC’s Afro-Guyanese supporters. The PNC will make every unfair effort to never give up the reins again. I have no doubt that they will return to their rigging ways of 1968 to 1987 !!

    Enough is enough !! Indo-Guyanese should let their voices be heard in regard to their way of living as we even saw what happened in 1992, 1997 and 2002 when the country was almost ungovernable because of the non acceptance by the PNC that they had lost those elections. I have no doubt that investment by Guyanese expatriates was stifled because of the actions of PNC thugs attempting to make the country unpalatable to live in. There was a definite consequential suppression of forward economic growth because of those brutal, backward actions.

    We however saw the building of a country that was bankrupt in 1992 and the positive balance sheet that was handed over to the PNC in 2015. There was US$ 715 Million in Guyana’s coffers.

    The time has come, as a matter of fact it came a long time ago, since 1968. Let’s start the movement for an Independent Indo- Guyana !!

  9. Ralph,

    With the recent release of the performance appraisal of Mr, Bharat Dindya lby the Chairman of GPL, will you now admit that your analysis of the situation was incorrect.

    1. Let me answer your question Anthony. The answer is no !!

      It seems that the tables will now be turned as regards to who is drinking the soup !!

      Brassington’s turn is next. And so the ethnic cleansing will continue !!

  10. You had my attention until you used the CEO of GPL. Agreed there is mistrust but we all know politicians play to the sentiments of innocent people. Unfortunately there aren’t any politician that is credible. Let’s call it like it is. The PPP failed its people and lost the election fair and square. They just need to get over that and move forward in order to regain any ounce of respect for my fellow Guyanese

  11. Come on Ralph I expect you’ll have at least a conscience to say things that are fair. It’s time to accept the PPP needed to go

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