For some who oppose the PPP, an alliance of opposition political parties to contest elections has always been a prime objective. The AFC brought that reality closer at its conference last weekend when Party Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, in a departure from previous policy, offered the AFC as the leader of a pro-democracy opposition alliance of trade unions, civil society, disaffected PPP members and APNU to contest the upcoming general elections. APNU’s leaders welcomed the initiative but appeared to be less than enthusiastic.

History and political realities suggest that opposition unity would be difficult to achieve. The pre-1992 efforts between the constituent parties of the PCD (Patriotic Coalition for Democracy), the WPA being one, did not succeed. There have never been any substantial alliances that have made a political difference and have endured. The first major, informal alliance between classes and individuals in Guyana’s politics was in 1950 under the banner of the PPP. But this was not a structural alliance between different, organized, groups. It failed anyway.

Continue reading “OPPOSITION UNITY”


The notion in 1950 by the leaders of the PPP that freedom will bring justice has not materialized. We have won Independence and have shaken off authoritarian rule, but justice has not arrived. The rotation of political power between parties, supported mainly by our two major ethnic groups, has not fulfilled the dream of economic justice and equality of opportunity that were the promise of Independence, notwithstanding our economic and human potential. The nature of our exports in nearly fifty years of Independence tells the entire story. It was raw material then and it is raw material now.

That the promise of Independence has not been realized ought not to have been a surprise to our leaders. Imbued with an ideological orientation that suggested the primacy of class conflict and class dominance as the motive forces of injustice, they excluded their regimes from equation and the trap of economic relations of production. The theory holds that exploitation is inherent in an economic system where class rule predominates and such rule predominates in any market, or capitalist, economy.



Guyana has hit world headlines several times in its modern history. The news that created these headlines have been negative and related mainly to political events, although the reason for Guyana’s position on the map in recent times, Jonestown, was not essentially political as far as the outside world was concerned. Guyana is a poor, Third World country and the negative publicity has done nothing for its development.

At the current time, the authorities along with the private sector are making monumental efforts to develop a tourist industry. These efforts started some time ago and while progress is being made, there is still much to be done. The obstacles are well known. They are the less than positive image of Guyana from its political history, current political instability, dilapidated infrastructure, low investment in tourism and the state of the City. The latter is a work in progress and while there has been some, the tourist sector is obviously hopeful that there will be much more.

Continue reading “FLOATING CAR PARKS.”


As if the political controversies were not enough, the rains and inevitable floods brought more woes to the populace. But while the floodwaters and rain will slowly recede, giving way to spring harvesting, our political landscape remains stubbornly arid.

The presidential letter has gone out but the opposition political parties remain adamant – no talks unless the prorogation is ended. The problem with this response is that it contradicts the Opposition’s intention to table the no confidence motion as soon as the prorogation is ended. If there cannot be talks while the prorogation exists, but only if it is ended, what would there be to talk about if a new no confidence motion is to be re-tabled, as promised?

Continue reading “SEIZE THE TIME!”


Proroguing parliament is a legitimate constitutional device in Westminster constitutions, whatever its origins and the purpose for which it is used. Much of the time prorogation has been used for partisan purposes, has been unpopular and has incurred much opposition. The Governor prorogued the legislature in 1963 to cause the lapse of the Labour Relations Bill, which would have resulted in a poll in the sugar industry and ultimate recognition of the PPP aligned GAWU to represent sugar workers.

The President said that the objective of prorogation is to prevent confrontation and encourage consultation. The opposite will be the result. The Government’s life has come to a natural end because stalemate reigns everywhere. The renewal of the Government’s mandate, not perpetuation of its life, was the solution. A national unity government is another.